Don’t Be That Person

Take the time to learn how to properly display your First Light flag

There are explicit display orientation rules to follow when you’re ready to show your First Light flag to the world. Whether its flying on a flagpole or mounted on a wall we need to take care in how we present the flag.

On a Flagpole


When flown on a flagpole horizontally the flag must be affixed to the halyard via the azure-blue hoist side of the flag. It must be affixed to the halyard in such an orientation that the star rests in the uppermost segment. The angles opposite of the vertical legs of both right triangles must meet in the bottommost segment.


When flown on a flagpole vertically the flag must be displayed in such an orientation that the star rests in the rightmost segment. The azure blue triangle must rest in the uppermost segment. The navy blue triangle must rest in the bottommost segment. The converging points of the right triangles must meet in the leftmost segment.


When flown at an angle on an outrigger flagpole the flag must be affixed to the halyard via the azure-blue hoist side of the flag. It must be affixed to the halyard in such an orientation that the star rests in the uppermost segment. The angles opposite of the vertical legs of both right triangles must meet in the bottommost segment.



When mounted horizontally the flag must be displayed following the same orientation rules as when it is flown on a flagpole horizontally.


When mounted vertically the flag must be displayed following the same orientation rules as when it is flown on a flagpole vertically.

Hierarchy Rules

Alongside Old Glory on separate flag poles

Old Glory always flies furthest to the observer’s left. All other flags, First Light included, must be flown furthest to the observer’s right.

Alongside Old Glory on the same flag pole

Old Glory always flies at the top-most position of a flag pole. All other flags, First Light included, must be hoisted below it.

Alongside other localities

Old Glory always flies furthest to the observer’s left. To the right of Old Glory will fly state flags. Next to the right will fly county flags. Finally, city flags like First Light will fly furthest to the observer’s right.

Alongside other nations

Old Glory always flies furthest to the observer’s left. To the right of Old Glory will fly nation flags. Finally, city flags like First Light will fly furthest to the observer’s right.